Panls whiteboards are available through our extensive network of national and international distribution partners. We only distribute our dry erase boards through reputable outlets which have been verified by our team.
We distribute Panls whiteboards only through our approved authorized distribution partners. All our partners strive to uphold a level of care and quality in order to make buying smooth and easy for you, the customer. Whether you need a school whiteboard or business whiteboard, our partners will get you the best price on the right product for your needs.
All of our distribution partners are well-versed in dry erase board applications and will be able to guide you through the purchase process so you make the right buying decision. Make sure to only purchase Panls dry erase boards through the authorized distributors listed on this page – this is the only way to ensure you receive full product support and warranty service after purchasing your whiteboard. If you ever have an issue with your Panls whiteboard or need warranty service, contact the authorized distributor you purchased from and they will connect you to the proper support channels.